Monday, February 7, 2011

#5 The Waxman Murders by P.C. Doherty

Ok, there is the possibility that I made a mistake in starting in the middle of a series, but it's just a mystery series so I shouldn't make that much of a difference.  It isn't even that I had a hard time understanding anything, I was just incredibly bored with this book.  Normally I would have given up after fifty pages, but I am determined to finish at least fifty two books this year and they can't all be winners. 

The Waxman Murders is the fifteenth of Doherty's Hugh Corbett mysteries.  Corbett is a clerk for King Edward I of England and it seems that he regularly solves mysteries and conspiracies for his employer.  He is assisted by two men and an array of spies.  This book starts in 1300, the pirate Adam Blackstock, owner of the Waxman, was killed when he obtained a map to supposed buried treasure in Suffolk.  Blackstock's half-brother, a former monk and now a "hunter of men", helped him smuggle goods into England and disappeared after Adam's death.  Three years later, one of the men that killed Blackstock is found murdered with his family and another is receiving threats.  Add to that a former ward of the king who is accused of murdering her husband, it seems like your up for an entertaining read. 

Unfortunately, this book was just boring.  My mind wandered so often while I was reading it that I had to repeat passages several times.  I'm sure that Doherty is being historically accurate, but that doesn't mean that the story can't be interesting.  I really had no sympathy for anyone but the killer (and it's pretty obvious who it is) which, again, could be because I started the series so late.  After reading this one though, I will definitely not be looking for the first fourteen, I don't need any help sleeping.

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