Sunday, February 27, 2011

#7 Between the Bridge and the River by Craig Ferguson

I recommended this book to my mother before reading it just because I know that she is a huge Craig Ferguson fan.  After she finished she insisted that I read it because "it is weird and just him."  So I tried it out and I have to say that it is really funny, a little gross, and mostly impossible, I highly recommend it.  I also realized that my mother has a much sicker sense of humor than I realized.

The story is focused on four men, Fraser, George, Leon, and Saul.  Fraser and George grew up together in Scotland but have not kept in touch.  Fraser is a TV religious personality with no real faith, but he rates well with old women and gay men.  George is a lawyer with terminal cancer, miserable in his life until he meets Claudette, a French woman who always falls in love with men that die on her.  Leon and Saul are brothers raised in the deep south, both with famous fathers and an insane mother that is forced to give them up fairly early.  Leon has an amazing voice, much like his father, and finds that he needs little else to get by.  Saul is morbidly obese, perverted, and controls his brother for his own purposes.  These two travel around trying to find their fortune, which they due thanks to Leon's singing ability.

Religion is both skewered and loved in this book.  Ferguson ironically brings up the prejudices and ridiculousness of the prejudices between the different sects of Christianity.  The entertainment industry, Scotland, America, France, and serial killers are treated in much the same way.  And I can't forget the improbable people met along the way, like Carl Jung.  It's hard to describe this book because it is just so odd, sick, and hilarious.  I never thought that cannibal serial killers could be funny, but Ferguson found a way.

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